Lucifer’s Fall From Heaven
This is part 2 of our study into the symbology of Revelation 12 as it relates to the devil and Satan. This time Stephen and Tim look at the concept of falling from heaven. They discover other places where this phrase is use in the Bible is some surprising contexts that help decipher it’s usage in Revelation 12. Finally, they come to some conclusions as to what it all means.
Listen to part 1 on The Ancient Serpent.
Key Verse:
“How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low!” (Isaiah 14:12)
- Review of last podcast on the Ancient Serpent
- What about this fall from heaven?
Isaiah 14 and its context
- The king of Babylon (v. 3-4)
- Symbolic language
- Lucifer means the day star
- The language used to describe Lucifer as a man (v. 11, 13, 16, 20)
Other falls from Heaven
- Lamentations 2:1
- Ezekiel 28:1,8-9
- Matthew 11:23
Back to Rev. 12
- When does this take place?
- What is literal and what is symbolic?
- Conclusion this cannot be about a literal fallen angel in rebellion against God. Language taken form OT about kingdoms of men.
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